Yesterday was the best tea-mail day ever. I received several samples of Thank You tea from DaisyChubb (mostly David’s…yum!), a more than generous parcel of Thank You tea from our own resident Ambassador of Tea Good Will QuiltGuppy, and my order of Cinnamon Roll Honeybush. I am awed by the generosity and friendship (as well as awesome tea!) of this community. Really, it is all of us who make it such a worthwhile place. (Jason has a hand in it, too, of course!) Thank you! This is the kind of community that restores your faith in humanity.
On to the tea. This is hands down the best mate blend I have ever tasted. It is smooth, it starts with chocolate, and the raspberry note comes in at the end, but you almost have to squint your eyes to catch it. It is a seemless transition, and oh, so good. Man, I am seeing an order to David’s in the near future. Thanks to DaisyChubb for this particular sample, and thank you to my other Canadian tea swappers for enabling me to try before dropping $50 on a few guesses.
Jumbo Mug (16 oz), 2 tsp mate blend, freshly boiled water, 4 1/2 minutes. Lightly sweetened.
I hear you loud and clear! I got a box from Jenn yesterday that made me quiver! I have already invited a friend over to have tea with me today to try out some of the new goodies! :)
I hear you loud and clear! I got a box from Jenn yesterday that made me quiver! I have already invited a friend over to have tea with me today to try out some of the new goodies! :)
QG has some serious titles, and a legacy of service to tea…
yay I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I drink this one pretty much every morning, it’s my favorite chocolate tea so far b^_^ What an awesome tea day for you yesterday – you’ll be good to go for the Long weekend :D