Tea of the afternoon…..
I bought this one as an afterthought on my stop at the Millerton shop. I knew it was going to be a hit or miss, because there are some spicy teas that don’t agree with me as far as taste. (Come to think of it, I had probably better re-test those ones I did not like again at some point as the palate does change a little over time…) My first reaction was WOW, which I even said out loud twice. And then I read the description (look at just a little below half way on the decription here on Steepster..)LOL! This tastes like liquid red hots or cinnamon hearts. Also, a little bit like the Brach’s cinnamon disks. It is definitely going on the shopping list for an amount of more than 2 oz! It is very uniqe in comparison to what I have in my cupboard, and I can see drinking this often when the NE Ohio blizzards hit this Winter.
24 oz teapot, 4 tsp tea, freshly boiled water, 4 minutes. Lightly sweetened, but I am thinking even lighter on the sweet next time.