I was out at the salon today to get rid of my gray. I know I should be growing old gracefully, but surely a little upkeep is allowed. Anyway, the Queen was there to pick me up upon the offer of a cup of hot water. Since I usually travel with some kind of tea in my purse, I am always ready. I am glad I chose this one, because I am not ever disappointed when I do.
I decided not to color my hair anymore, and am waiting for a dramatic streak of grey so I can be distinguished, but I have like, a couple paltry ones! Tap, tap, tap feet! C’mon grey hairs!
Just be glad you have hair to color or not…I won’t have any gray if I keep losing at this rate! The beard however, is another story! Alas, teawing the gray!
I told my hubby how much I appreciate him going gray before me, and most of it is in the beard! You know what they say…as you get older, your hair either turns gray or it turns loose!
Fortunately, I am still in the pluck them when I see them stage, but that will eventually lead to baldness, I guess! JacquelineM sent me a book and a model was quoted as saying something like, “I can’t wait to grow old. White hair, bones, and diamonds!”. At this rate, my bones won’t be showing. I am too fluffy!
Screw growing old gracefully! I’m blonde with highlights, but I have noticed some squirrely recently that I suspect are greys. sigh I would just love to have completly clear skin for a few months before the wrinkles set in. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and, no bones here either :)
I decided not to color my hair anymore, and am waiting for a dramatic streak of grey so I can be distinguished, but I have like, a couple paltry ones! Tap, tap, tap feet! C’mon grey hairs!
Just be glad you have hair to color or not…I won’t have any gray if I keep losing at this rate! The beard however, is another story! Alas, teawing the gray!
I told my hubby how much I appreciate him going gray before me, and most of it is in the beard! You know what they say…as you get older, your hair either turns gray or it turns loose!
Yes, but my hubby looks distinguished with the gray. Me, not so much.
Fortunately, I am still in the pluck them when I see them stage, but that will eventually lead to baldness, I guess! JacquelineM sent me a book and a model was quoted as saying something like, “I can’t wait to grow old. White hair, bones, and diamonds!”. At this rate, my bones won’t be showing. I am too fluffy!
No threat of any bones showing here, either. But diamonds might be nice!
Screw growing old gracefully! I’m blonde with highlights, but I have noticed some squirrely recently that I suspect are greys. sigh I would just love to have completly clear skin for a few months before the wrinkles set in. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and, no bones here either :)
*double sigh * I meant to write “squirrely hairs” because otherwise the sentance makes no sense.
It is absolutely no fair to have to deal with pimples, wrinkles, and those confounded stray hairs on your chin all at the same time.