My tea of the morning.
I am now down to half a mug of coffee in the morning. My Hubby likes to gradually work on eliminating coffee in the summertime. A hot drink loses its appeal for him in hot weather. I have not really noticed that for me this year…I still prefer my tea hot. We are even contemplating giving up the coffee altogether as my beverage of choice is now consumed by tea. (His beverage of choice is beer, but I have a feeling that would not be good for morning consumption!) I guess we will have to see what happens in the Fall. A single cup coffee maker is starting to sound like a good idea!
Anyway, this is not the best Keemun Mao Feng in my cupboard, but it is good. It falls under a mid range for price, which makes it a good budget choice for me. It has all of the attributesof a good Keemun…slightly smokey, cocoa notes, roasty, and is a very good tea. 24 oz pot, 3 level perfect teaspoons (or 4 1/2 actual tsp.), freshly boiled water, 5 minute first steep. Second steep coming up for 7 minutes.
I am getting a variable electric kettle for my birthday (and an early tin of Harney’s Wild Wuyi) next month! So excited!
As well you should be! I received the Pino Digital Kettle Pro for Christmas and now I don’t know how I lived without it. It is my constant tea-brewing companion whenever I am at home.
Hmmmm, I did read in a history of tea that the British wanted tea drunk with milk and sugar in the mornings to sustain them, because the tea was replacing ale as the main breakfast drink. Don’t think it works out well so much these days, though!
ashmanra..that is too funny! I guess he was just born in the wrong time. However, he brews his own beer several times a year, and loves trying new ones. (He happens to currently be going through an IPA phase…) I imagine the variety wasn’t so great back then.
I love his beer hobby. It makes a 60 cent cup of tea seem like a bargain!
I have pretty much cut coffee out myself, I turned to tea for health reasons, a bunch of them, then fell completely for loose leaf. QuiltGuppy has helped shape my tastes. I was a coffee snob, French Press, whole bean, even roasted some of my own…I still drink a cup now and then, sometimes, I just need a good Guatemala Antigua, or some Kenyan Estate, but I am 95% tea now.
I’m married to a Colombian and don’t think I’ll ever be able (or allowed!) to stop drinking coffee. ;) (I haven’t had any in a few weeks, though.) That being said, he fully supports my enjoyment of tea and even bought me the Breville to surprise me. I wonder if he’d support it as much if I decided I needed a nice ale in the morning… ;)
@SimplyJenW – Ooh, nice angle! Don’t you love it when that works out? :D
As well you should be! I received the Pino Digital Kettle Pro for Christmas and now I don’t know how I lived without it. It is my constant tea-brewing companion whenever I am at home.
Hmmmm, I did read in a history of tea that the British wanted tea drunk with milk and sugar in the mornings to sustain them, because the tea was replacing ale as the main breakfast drink. Don’t think it works out well so much these days, though!
ashmanra..that is too funny! I guess he was just born in the wrong time. However, he brews his own beer several times a year, and loves trying new ones. (He happens to currently be going through an IPA phase…) I imagine the variety wasn’t so great back then.
I love his beer hobby. It makes a 60 cent cup of tea seem like a bargain!
I have pretty much cut coffee out myself, I turned to tea for health reasons, a bunch of them, then fell completely for loose leaf. QuiltGuppy has helped shape my tastes. I was a coffee snob, French Press, whole bean, even roasted some of my own…I still drink a cup now and then, sometimes, I just need a good Guatemala Antigua, or some Kenyan Estate, but I am 95% tea now.
I’m married to a Colombian and don’t think I’ll ever be able (or allowed!) to stop drinking coffee. ;) (I haven’t had any in a few weeks, though.) That being said, he fully supports my enjoyment of tea and even bought me the Breville to surprise me. I wonder if he’d support it as much if I decided I needed a nice ale in the morning… ;)
@SimplyJenW – Ooh, nice angle! Don’t you love it when that works out? :D