Tea of the morning…..
I always forget how good this one is.
I have a spreadsheet of my teas to keep track of my stash (Oh come on, admit it, you keep track, too!). Of course, there is a column indicating which ones I intend to keep on hand, and which ones I intend to cut once gone, and then those that fall in between. Some of the keeper teas are such because of the ease of obtaining them as well as the price. Let’s face it, I am falling into drinking what is convenient.
This tea is probably the only one I source from TeaSpring. At one point, I had moved it to the ‘maybe’ section of my spreadsheet. It must have been price. But after this morning, I moved it back into the teas I will keep on hand. There is just something perfect about this one. I do have to part with more money than I’d like to purchase this one and go a little out of my way (I usually have to sign for TeaSpring packages, so if I miss the mailperson, it means a trip to the PO), but this tea delivers every time. It makes me feel indulgent and pampered. Who does not need that every now and again?
Another thing this tea reminded me this morning…..I shouldn’t cut a tea from the list unless I am drinking it. Here is one instance where it makes sense to make decisions while drinking.
Usual teapot method with a resteep for 5 minutes.
Oh, for the time to put said spreadsheet together :)