Tea of the morning…..
I have reached the end of my ‘super sample’ from my Millerton order. (I ordered 2 oz of all of the black blends I found interesting a while ago….a 5-6 cup sample just did not seem enough to get a real feel for the teas, and the 2 oz minimum at the shop came out close to the same price as a sample online.) I have some Eight at the Fort left, plus some Organic Assam, maybe even some Anniversary Blend and some Supreme Breakfast….
All I can think about, though, is that the end of this pouch as well as the remnants of my older tin of Keemun Mao Feng have altered my Franken Breakfast Blend slightly as that is where the tea goes if it is less than a mugs worth. The first blend of three teas was near perfection, which means I will probably have to order the two main teas that were in it at some point and reblend it. I am hoping to wait until September to order tea again if I have the restraint to make it that long. Yes, I do think my last version of Franken Breakfast will become a real blend in my cupboard. Time to start pondering a fun name for it. And a cool label will be the icing on the cake.
Palm Court is a good tea, but I have others from Harney that work better for me. Still an enjoyable cup.
Usual teapot method.
I love the Franken Breakfast Tea idea! Usually if I am getting to the end of a tea & there’s just a little left I just include it in the last strong cup, LOL, with maybe a little less steep time. Maybe I’ll start a tin for ‘smidgens’, especially the blacks that aren’t overly exciting anyway. :)