Second tea of the day…..
My first pot of tea today was Harney’s Hong Tao Keemun. I did not really have time yesterday to sit and enjoy it, but I did today. I am to the point where I think it is definitely a rebuy for me, and hopefully before it goes out of stock again. I remembered that I had a few ounces of Hao Ya A from Harney back in the recesses of my stash, and decided that it was time to compare the two. I know the last few times I had this tea, I over steeped and used too much leaf. Today I did it right….a little lighter on the leaf and less time on the steep. This one is over 2x the cost of Hong Tao, so I would expect there to be marked differences.
Cocoa notes, a little smoke, and remarkable body. This one definitely has the edge in body/mouthfeel. So rich tasting. The leaves are actually longer in the Hong Tao, but that could be my fault in storage as the Hao Ya A has been in my stash for at least a year. I am sure I would get a small tin of this, too, if it were currently in stock. I just love a good China black tea. I am upping the rating on this one.
Mug method, scant measures on the tea and slightly shorter on time.