Tea of the morning……
Thank you to all the Steepsterites who have reviewed this before me. It was those reviews that helped me to buy this one without sampling. I love a great tea at a good price and this seemed to fit the bill very well.
I have had at least three versions of Golden Monkey prior to this one. If memory serves, this one is just as good as the others. It is actually probably better in some regards in that it is a wonderfully smooth tea. I think the version from Adagio was not quite as flavorful and sweet. The one from Harney was probably a little more rich and sweet potatoey. I guess it is probably closest to the version I had from Upton (If I still have some, I will try it sometime this week for comparison.) I know one of them was a little more astringent and earthy than I usually like….hopefully I can review my notes and figure out which one it was! (pretty sure it was Adagio…) *edit to add it was Upton. I think Adagio was the lightest tasting of all of them.
All that comparing really seems unnecessary, though. This is a very good tea. Smooth, slight malt, hints of cocoa and honey, light sweet potato. Definitely worthy of being a staple for me. I have not been as enamored with a Golden Monkey in some time. So glad I just bought some of this one! What a bargain!
Usual teapot method. Second steep at 5 minutes and it was good, too!
Indigo- I bought 100 grams. It will be more next time…. :D (I did buy 200g of Black Dragon Pearl, too.)
“I love a great tea at a good price and this seemed to fit the bill very well.” “This is a very good tea. Smooth, slight malt, hints of cocoa and honey, light sweet potato. Definitely worthy of being a staple for me.” “So glad I just bought some of this one! What a bargain!”
Thanks for your review of this tea. It sounds like a winner! I look forward to tasting it – I requested a sample on Friday.
I’ve heard so many great things about Teavivre. How much did you buy?
I have this on shelf, and it always elicits a little moan when people sip it for the first time.
Indigo- I bought 100 grams. It will be more next time…. :D (I did buy 200g of Black Dragon Pearl, too.)
100g… whew that will last awhile :)
“I love a great tea at a good price and this seemed to fit the bill very well.” “This is a very good tea. Smooth, slight malt, hints of cocoa and honey, light sweet potato. Definitely worthy of being a staple for me.” “So glad I just bought some of this one! What a bargain!”
Thanks for your review of this tea. It sounds like a winner! I look forward to tasting it – I requested a sample on Friday.
I just had this one earlier today. And your description is very accurate. I put 2.5 gm in 8 oz water, 1st steeping only 1 minute and 2nd steeping 2 minutes, and still got a load of flavor. I love their Golden Monkey and also Yun Nan Dian Hong, which also has the light malt and sweet potato flavors.