Second tea of the morning…..
Yes. It has happened. I am in a phase where I am drinking tea more for the caffeine than tea itself. I am so hoping Fall arrives soon. I know my cravings will switch to cinnamon teas and chai. I actually brewed a pot of Golden Monkey from another vendor, drank half, and then dumped the rest. The last ounce of my GM has been filed into the Franken-Breakfast blending bin as it does not appeal…I caught a tastebud-disagreeable astringency that I had not noticed before. This is a new low for me……dissing Golden Monkey.
And why is the high for today still in the 80s? I was hoping for a reprieve in the heat for marching band tonight. I am the WMIT (Wardrobe Mom In Training!) and I go out to the edge of the field in case there is a lost button, etc., because I can do a quick repair during the breaks. (Why, oh why, do the uniforms have 14 buttons plus various hooks and snaps times 120+ kids?…. ;) )
After the dump out, I knew I needed an old reliable. This is my warmer weather old reliable. Whenever I brew a pot of this, I can guarantee it will be consumed. That is a perfect tea for me……one that keeps me coming back for more, and frowning when it is gone.
I do find this to be a subtle Earl. Really, it translates to great tea for me.
Usual teapot method.
(Sorry this is so ranty…..I feel better and need to finish off the rest of the pot!)
It’s been .. uh .. a while since I’ve been in marching band (former percussionist!) Are the uniforms still as nastily heavy and hot as they were back then? I hated field marching :) Parades I could handle.
Yes. Heavy. The kids all melted last week when it was over 90. We only have two parades and they wear polos and khakis. The rest is field shows in full dress every Friday night for 2 1/2 months plus a few field show competitions (including away games). It was about 4-6 parades where I lived as high schooler and we only performed field shows at home football games.
My, oh, my how times have changed (creak ;)
I’m right there with you on not wanting to drink anything sophisticated—just basic stuff until it gets cool enough to appreciate it. November, maybe?
It’s been .. uh .. a while since I’ve been in marching band (former percussionist!) Are the uniforms still as nastily heavy and hot as they were back then? I hated field marching :) Parades I could handle.
Yes. Heavy. The kids all melted last week when it was over 90. We only have two parades and they wear polos and khakis. The rest is field shows in full dress every Friday night for 2 1/2 months plus a few field show competitions (including away games). It was about 4-6 parades where I lived as high schooler and we only performed field shows at home football games.
My, oh, my how times have changed (creak ;)
I’m right there with you on not wanting to drink anything sophisticated—just basic stuff until it gets cool enough to appreciate it. November, maybe?
Franken-breakfast bin—haha, nice. Is that like the “house red” ;) Do you ever try it? Frankenstein was a monster after all…