Hmmm. Thought I reviewed this before because I got a sample from Indigobloom and it was the reason I decided to purchase this….
Anyway, second tea of the morning…..
I think pu’erh is usually a cooler weather tea for me, but I decided to have this today anyway. I did pick this up on a recent trip to Williamsburg, VA where they have a Spice & Tea Exchange. It was a fun stop. I picked up an ounce of this, the Coconut Oolong, and a Hazelnut tea that I cannot seem to locate at the moment….This should tell me it is time to do some rearranging…. I do find their tea a little on the pricey side. I think $4.89 per ounce is very steep for some, but not necessarily for others like the Coconut Oolong. They did give $2 off for buying three ounces. I do appreciate the ability to buy in small mounts, though. Bulk amounts there are definitely cost prohibitive.
I really like this one. There is something wonderful about the combination of chocolate flavors and pu’erh tea. It is like they were meant to be together. The addition of the strawberry just makes it taste like a decadent dessert. I can’t really decide if I like this one or the one from Lupicia better. I guess it will just depend on where I am shopping at the time of needing more….
Mug method, 3 minute steep. Lightly sweetened.
wow I can’t believe I inspired a purchase! :P
We used to Williamsburg a lot! Where is the Spice and Tea Exchange there?
It was right down town! I think they have only been open for a little over a year. We were checking out the area looking for a place to eat dinner….I saw the store and my hubster went around the block to let me out….then he parked. It was quite comical.