no sipdowns today. Need to fortify myself for today’s adventures. Not only did i do too much yesterday, but i didn’t sleep that well and today is going to be along one. Baby shower without my other half for HIS cousin (he has to work) then dinner with friends after that. Pulled this one out to try again since i know it was a decent cup of tea the first time even if it wasn’t “brulee” still not getting brulee, but the gingerspice is still a nice cup. hoping i can remember to try this as a lattee eventually as well as i think it would fare really nicely that way.
I feel like this will be a tasty latte but it’s also awesome plain so I dont kno if I want to use my entire packet on one cup…hmmm
I survived today….won one of the baby games – chugging orange pop out of a bottle…lol just a late night as we met up with friends after as well since we have t seen them in forever…but at least I can work from home tomorrow haha
I feel like this will be a tasty latte but it’s also awesome plain so I dont kno if I want to use my entire packet on one cup…hmmm
Also I hope today ended up being ok and that you’re not too tired.
Don’t make a latte. I have lots this one and can share if you want to try it later heh
I survived today….won one of the baby games – chugging orange pop out of a bottle…lol just a late night as we met up with friends after as well since we have t seen them in forever…but at least I can work from home tomorrow haha
Chugging orange pop out of a bottle just makes me think of the glucose challenge. Haha.
@kittenna – yeah except this was through a baby it was less chugging and more how much arm/hand strength do you have to squeeze the crap out of this thing so the liquid will come out.