sweet mother loving crap this one was delicious. Those of you who have been around a while, know that i adore mousse au chocolat from mf. this is as brilliant as that tea, while being a very different tea. black tea base? check. chestnut? check. rich chocolate? check. seriously. I wish i’d picked up a tin of this one.
Poke me before you do omg. I may be ordering a tin of this one but I want to try a few more of the teas I picked up first. Free shipping to Sharon over 50$
Sounds good!
Uh oh. I might be becoming very very tempted.
Poke me before you do omg. I may be ordering a tin of this one but I want to try a few more of the teas I picked up first. Free shipping to Sharon over 50$
I think I need to commit to more of the teas I currently have though. :/ They stress me out. But they’ve been narrowed down to the very delicious. Mostly.