Don’t like this harvest. I’ve tried to drink this version in multiple ways and all I get is dirt. I’m channeling my inner “omgsrsly” i think. Not the end of the world, but i have ZERO desire to drink the rest of this. So i’m not going to. A waste of tea but i am really not a fan of this harvest and i refuse to drink things that i don’t enjoy.
Original version of this was a 91 for me; this year is closer to a 54.
if you try it and love it, let me know. I’d happily send you the rest of mine so it goes to a good home.
Agreed. I bought some based on the rave reviews and I’m just not getting that flavor everyone fell in love with.
i think that’s one of my complaints with Tao – would like to see harvests on his teas so that I could be sure i was getting the same year that i enjoy. The nice thing is, i can stop buy the store if i need to, but not everyone has that luxury.
@tealizzy – i’m sorry to hear that. the version that has the rave reviews, was a totally different beast than this version. it was wonderful. this is..dirt.
I gotta try mine
if you try it and love it, let me know. I’d happily send you the rest of mine so it goes to a good home.
Ok. Thanks dear ;)
Such a great tea…. sad face that you aren’t enjoying that harvest. :(
Agreed. I bought some based on the rave reviews and I’m just not getting that flavor everyone fell in love with.
i think that’s one of my complaints with Tao – would like to see harvests on his teas so that I could be sure i was getting the same year that i enjoy. The nice thing is, i can stop buy the store if i need to, but not everyone has that luxury.
@tealizzy – i’m sorry to hear that. the version that has the rave reviews, was a totally different beast than this version. it was wonderful. this is..dirt.
Do you think we should let him know? If new harvest is not that great why offer it at all :(
he might be out by now… that was 2014 harvest..i’m guessing.