drank Rouge d'Automne by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes


And i have to say, i added a bit of extra leaf to this one today and man there are the chestnuts! totally nutty delicious in my travel mug today while i got busy at work. I am really digging this one :) Thank you so much ysaurella for sharing!


you’re more than welcome Sil :) Rouge d’Automne is going to become one of your staples ?


it may very well. Mes parents vont a Paris dans une semaine alors il y en a quelques un que je viens de leur demander d’acheter pour moi si’ils ont le temps. :) Je crois que j’ai mis wedding imperial et charlotte au chocolat sur ma liste aussis. :)

Terri HarpLady

I really liked this one too!


hum tell your parents to take raincoats :) you’ll see these teas are not so much expensive in France (rouge d’automne is one of the most, 10 €/100g)


thank you for letting me know Ysaurella :)


I found a tea shop bd Montparnasse where they can buy MF teas by 50g :http://dismoiou.fr/p/fra/paris/7AO5W1/the-et-chocolat
be careful they ONLY accept to sale 50g during the week, not the week end.They are a little bit more expensive than MF shops but you can taste more


they should have at least 120 MF teas in their shop


I wish I was going!

I’m sending my parents to MF, DF and theodor :)


Excellent choices :)

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you’re more than welcome Sil :) Rouge d’Automne is going to become one of your staples ?


it may very well. Mes parents vont a Paris dans une semaine alors il y en a quelques un que je viens de leur demander d’acheter pour moi si’ils ont le temps. :) Je crois que j’ai mis wedding imperial et charlotte au chocolat sur ma liste aussis. :)

Terri HarpLady

I really liked this one too!


hum tell your parents to take raincoats :) you’ll see these teas are not so much expensive in France (rouge d’automne is one of the most, 10 €/100g)


thank you for letting me know Ysaurella :)


I found a tea shop bd Montparnasse where they can buy MF teas by 50g :http://dismoiou.fr/p/fra/paris/7AO5W1/the-et-chocolat
be careful they ONLY accept to sale 50g during the week, not the week end.They are a little bit more expensive than MF shops but you can taste more


they should have at least 120 MF teas in their shop


I wish I was going!

I’m sending my parents to MF, DF and theodor :)


Excellent choices :)

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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