I could have sworn that I’d logged/drank this before today but apparently not. Or i simply forgot to write a tasting note. Thank you Ysaurella for this sample! Another Marriage Freres tea to knock off my list :)
I don’t think i’ve had chestnuts in a really long time, so i can’t say that this tastes like them. However there is a deliciously pleasant “nut” and vanilla flavour to this tea that is wonderful! I also really love the way it smells. I really like that there is no bitterness to this and there’s almost a sweet fruity taste that disappears almost right away when you sip it.
Thank you again for the wonderful swap Ysaurella
particularly glad you loved this one as it is one of my favorite teas. Even if I am not very fond of candied chestnut, I really love this tea, always in cupboard
it’s wonderful!
I really enjoyed this one too!