Another tea from ysaurella! Ill refrain from rating this until I can get back to my computer but I am thoroughly enjoying the delicious caramel and chocolate of this tea. Even my other half tasted this and liked it. Altogether win from marriage freres!
Thank you so much madam!
happy you liked it, means you didn’t brew it too long ! you know now how different it is from the keemun base of DF Charlotte au chocolat.
I do prefer wedding imperial, strange as I normally prefer keemun to assam…
happy you liked it, means you didn’t brew it too long ! you know now how different it is from the keemun base of DF Charlotte au chocolat.
I do prefer wedding imperial, strange as I normally prefer keemun to assam…
I tried that one here once before the shop ran out…. I loved it so much! I went back to get more but it was allll gone :(