Thank you hesper june! I’ve been wanting to try something from whispering pines company for a while now and she was happy to oblige me. A first scent of this one, I’m not really sure what to expect. There’s a really strong spice smell, not just cloves but cloves and….something. I think I was expecting something with a bit of smoke to it, which I don’t smell.
After brewing this one, I’m left with what I’d call a kind of boring cup of tea. Th strong spice smell that was present in the aroma is muted. I can’t taste any of the orange and the tea blend almost has too much going on for The tea to decide what it wants to be. It’s not a bad cup of tea, but its not wonderful either. Ill be looking to try a few more from this company though as its possible that this sample had too much of the spices and not enough tea.
Thanks again to the lovely Hesper June for sharing with me :)