Backlog tasting from a few nights ago that I totally forgot to put down here. Lol.
Continuing on the re-tasting on all my Pines teas, this was next up. I had originally tossed this in my ‘Possible reorder’ bin, but on re-tasting it, I’ve since moved it to my swap bin unfortunately.
It’s just a very unremarkable tea to me now. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve tasted so many other teas that I’d rather prefer since first tasting this, or what, but now I’m kinda just ‘Meh’ with this.
It’s got a pleasant, woody smell to the brew that comes over in the actual drinking of this tea, but not overpowering, just subtle and easy like. First sip is strange, like tart/sharp/something odd to it, but really only on the first sip or two. No, or very little, astringency to note which is always nice to find in a tea. It’s also got a very very faint smokey (?) taste to it, but I’m entirely unsure on this one. Maybe that’s the sharpness I taste just starting to drink it.
Overall, I’d rather have other teas in my cupboard. Or if I was choosing from this company, I’d take the Yunnan Gold (which I know is a different type of tea, but whatever. XD)
You should try our Fujian Black or North Winds. I think you’d enjoy those much more. I just discontinued this tea, actually.
I’ll think about giving those two a try one day, maybe wait for a sale or something. At the moment I can’t afford an order.