I’m going to start with a little story. Yesterday, members of my local family (my Momma, Grandma, Aunt), went for Mother’s Day brunch and we had a good time. I passed on the horrible restaurant tea and opted for….wait for it…COFFEE!! Egads! It was bad too-only a little sugar made it tolerable. As the conversations moved along, occasionally, I thought of my good tea at home and my fellow Steepsterites. Then it occurred to me-while I am not a huge fan of Facebook (extremely rarely on), I love Steepster. :)) Steepster IS my Facebook! Then I smiled. :)) I spent the rest of the day with my Momma.
I am sending a huge Thank You to JenW for this delicious sample. :)) Beautiful long and slender leaves that are a combination of colors-some black, some black/beige, while most are a tippy golden beige color. The aroma is terrific, with a sweet honey aroma, and lighter chocolate notes.
The wet leaves exude a toasty, woody, medium to dark chocolate sweetness. The thought of sweet potatoes crossed my nose (maybe a little). Then came the smell of musty/earthy fallen leaves. Ahh….the sweetness…I inhaled so deeply, so many times, I was nearly hyperventilating! Is it true? I was picking up on a lighter candy sweet cherry note. Maybe it was just the lack of oxygen to my brain, because as the leaves cooled I couldn’t detect it. Now, I was detecting toasty and wood-like sweetness.
The cup was a dark brown. Where was the bottom of my cup? The cup revealed aromas of sweet honey (raisins?), combined with a musty, earthy aroma. The flavor was quite malty, earthy, and dark chocolatey, with a mild sweetness. The feeling on my palate was smooth, with no bitterness.
Then other aromas in the kitchen invaded my senses :-//, so the review will be continued…….
At 9:30 PM tonight, the Horseshoe Casino is opening in Cleveland. I’ll get there sometime soon. I steeped the leftover leaves from my last steep with about 2 tsp of additional leaf (190 for 3 min.). I hope my leftover tea leaves aren’t too much of a gamble for my intestines! :-//
My second steep unearthed honey, earthy sweetness while steeping. The wet leaves also had honey earthy aromas, cooling to a more earthy than honey sweet aroma. The cup was even darker-or seemed to be. I was thinking, “Is there anybody in there?!”. Oh yeah….there was…I saw my own reflection! :)) My sinuses were really bothering me, so my cup aromas were hampered. I did detect darker honey, slightly earthy yunnan mustiness, and some malty aroma. The flavors I noticed were slight & thin (sinuses), with some mild astringency-not bitterness. This is in large part due to steeping the previous leaves again.
This was not quite the review I was hoping for, but I will review this tea more after dinner with my Dad and a friend of ours at a local sports bar called Bootleggers. For now, I have to bolt (as in Thunderbolt). :)) Steep on steepies…….
Had a great dinner on an outdoor patio with lots of sunshine, but it did get cooler before we left. It was also very calming listening to a water fountain. :)) Good conversation, laughter, and music (Led Zeppelin, Journey, America, Def Leppard, etc.).
So for my third cup (2 tsp, 185 for 2:20), I did read some reviews after my first cup. Some people got (baked) sweet potatoes, or a raisin quality. Dry leaves smelled of honey, malty sweetness with chocolate notes. My sinuses were clogged AGAIN, so the wet leaves smelled mainly honey sweet (possibly raisins), mild chocolate, and some sort of baked sweetness. The cup smelled malty sweet, chocolatey, and earthy. Flavors in the cup were mainly malty, chocolatey, and earthy.
My last cup was similar (boiling for 3 min.), and I added the rest of the sample to the steeped leaves from the third cup. I tasted less sweetness, and it was mainly full of musty earth, and less chocolate. I was hoping to taste some of the baked qualities. :-// The feeling on my palate was smooth and quite full without bitterness!
What a great and delicious tea! I will definitely be ordering some more. This tea reminds me more of Autumn, but it is awesome anytime! Thanks again JenW-this was much appreciated. :)) A perfect end to another beautiful day! I’m gonna go…….seems I keep rambling on…and on….and on. :))
Cupped & Reviewed: Monday, May 14, 2012.
You are a good son! :)
I understand about steepster being your Facebook. Steepster is better because we send each other tea. That doesn’t happen on Facebook!
Um good discription of the flavors! Steepster is a relationship about tea and people! Tea should be about community or something is wrong!
I also prefer Steepster if you have to compare! although they serve different purposes, I find Facebook to be more about the individual as opposed to Steepster where you find a true sharing community! That’s what happens when you put a bunch of poeple together with the same passion!
And u post photos on facebook which sometimes I wish u could have a couple here for personal tea shots or tea cats /dogs etc.
I know Bonnie thats why people blog tea reviews elsewhere, so the can include photos. i am considering doing it, but I’ll stillreview teas here. :))
cheryl= Ohio?!
If you care to read, update is complete. This seems appropriate:
You are a good son! :)
I understand about steepster being your Facebook. Steepster is better because we send each other tea. That doesn’t happen on Facebook!
Um good discription of the flavors! Steepster is a relationship about tea and people! Tea should be about community or something is wrong!
I also prefer Steepster if you have to compare! although they serve different purposes, I find Facebook to be more about the individual as opposed to Steepster where you find a true sharing community! That’s what happens when you put a bunch of poeple together with the same passion!
Oh! Ohio!
And u post photos on facebook which sometimes I wish u could have a couple here for personal tea shots or tea cats /dogs etc.
I know Bonnie thats why people blog tea reviews elsewhere, so the can include photos. i am considering doing it, but I’ll stillreview teas here. :))
cheryl= Ohio?!
Yep :b
If you care to read, update is complete. This seems appropriate: