I’m in a bit of a funk…not just tea-related, but life/work related (or that’s how it feels, anyway). The only thing I’m making progress with at the moment is my stitching, which is odd because usually I have to be in the right frame of mind for that kind of thing. Instead, it seems to have increased exponentially in importance in relation to pretty much everything else. I think maybe because it’s totally different to my job, and when I get home I really do just want to switch off and lose myself in something unrelated to the day.
That kind of means that at home I’m drinking mostly this one – Twinings Everyday. It’s pretty good as “normal” tea goes. It’s strong, malty, reassuring kind of stuff. I don’t have to think about it at all. I’m still drinking “proper” tea at work, but I think now I’m starting to associate it with work, and so it’s become one of the things I don’t do at home in an effort to not think about work while I’m not there.
Clearly I need to sort myself out, but other than applying for jobs I’m not really sure how to go about that right now. I want to move out of admin, but I don’t know what I’d prefer to do instead and that’s at least half the problem.
I know things will come out on an even keel sooner or later, because they have done before, but I’m just not feeling myself at the moment and that’s why I’m not really posting anything new. Basically, I await the return of my mojo.
It makes sense that you’re using the stitching to get into a better headspace at home. I know that being unemployed was one of the big factors why I started going into tea a few years ago – it gave me something nice to focus on.
What if you switched to bagged tea at work and loose leaf at home? That way you have better tea to go with relaxation at home.
It makes sense that you’re using the stitching to get into a better headspace at home. I know that being unemployed was one of the big factors why I started going into tea a few years ago – it gave me something nice to focus on.
What if you switched to bagged tea at work and loose leaf at home? That way you have better tea to go with relaxation at home.
I hope you can find your mojo soon!