A sample from Memily, and my final cup of the evening last night. I’m usually not a fan of floral teas, but this one actually works for me pretty well. I gave 1 tsp of leaf 4 minutes in boiling water, and the scent when I returned to the kitchen was just beautiful. Sweet, honeyed chamomile, and floral lavender and rose. Like a cottage garden on a summer evening!
To taste, the main flavour is chamomile. It’s as honeyed to taste as it smells, almost thick tasting, sweet, and a little hay-like. The lavender and rose work perfectly in combination, without being too heavily floral or tasting like perfume. They just add an edge to the flavour that prevents the chamomile being overwhelming. I can taste a hint of apple, too. A sort of fresh, sharp undertone. I wasn’t expecting to like this one as much as I did, but it’s actually a very calming, relaxing pre-bedtime blend. I slept so well last night — almost unbelievably well – and I think this tea may have helped in part. A delicious sleepytime herbal, and another T2 I’ll be loathe to part with. Thanks again to Memily for sharing this with me!
I KNOW RIGHT? Hahaha. I love this one so much, it’s a constant-stock for me (which is why I can’t believe I’m letting myself run out of it for a while).