Note 100!
A sample swapped with CWarren a few months back. I’ve just finished this off, so I thought I’d make a note about it before heading to bed.
First off, never have this later than you should. My “normal” ending time for tea is at 5 p.m. However, due to an eventful series of events (my wife dislocating her arm at work, eye doctor appointment, and the A.C. guy coming to fix the unit) I was unable to get to this at the time I was planning on having it. Therefore, I started drinking it at 7:30 p.m., and am fully awake until 12 or so.
Okay, back to the tea. It’s quite good. It has a solid citrus-y note about it. Not fishy like other pu-erh stuffed tangerines/oranges that I’ve had. It’s very mellow and sweet, with a slight kick to it. I hadn’t noticed the tea’s affects until I was playing Battlefront online, and I started “Chewy-ing it up,” as my brother called it. However, I calmed down afterwards, while talking tea via phone/online.
Overall, I liked this session. But now, I’m getting tired and need to start settling down for the night….or try to.
Thanks again, CWarren!
Flavors: Citrus, Orange