Thanks Angel and Teavivre for another tasty sample!
This is my first osmanthus tea! I don’t like it quite as much as jasmine, but much more than rose. The floral scent is stronger than the actual taste. The floral taste goes very well with the green oolong. Overall, I find this first steep to be creamy, floral, lightly ‘green’, and quite sweet. Really sweet. I used the whole packet, so to avoid it being too strong I only steeped it for 30s, and it turned out perfect for me.
This second steep at 45s is much stronger. The floral is waaay out there now. I probably could have just gone with 30s. I know it’s been said many times, but these type of green and floral teas always make me think of spring and summer. Sitting in a flower garden sipping this (and reading a novel) would be enough to make one feel in complete harmony with the natural world.
I’m going to keep on steeping this! Thanks again Teavivre!