I am so thrilled to have this tea in my stash again!! This is one of my very favorite teas from Verdant. I know this is blended a little differently than last year, so I’m interested to try it out.
1tablespoon of leaf, boiling water.
This first steep (45 sec) I’m getting a lot of fruity notes, to my surprise. The longer I sip there’s also the familiar cocoa and malt. Oh, yes! At the end of my cup the texture is suuuper smooth.
1 min second steep. This cup is MUCH darker- and I taste the puerh much more in this. The fruity notes have been mostly replaced by earthy notes; earthiness and dark chocolate are the prominent notes in this steep.
1 min 20 sec 3rd steep. The earthiness toned down in this steep and the chocolate peeped out a bit more. The flavor is still full and rich.
I will continue steeping this out. I am so happy to have this tea again!