0.75 tbsp for 188 ml
Brewed tea has a very distinct hay-like note. This is balanced well with chamomile scent and a chocolatey aroma in the background.
The chamomile is the predominant flavour. Mint in the background. Not detecting any cacao flavour. There is a very strong sweetness close to the middle of the sip which may be from the fennel or the spearmint.
Very slight hints of cacao coming through as the tea cools. The hay note from the aroma seems to be coming through as well.
Second infusion at 3 minutes. The chamomile is still present as well as the mint in the background. I’m able to better place the hay note from before as a salted and roasted peanut-like flavour. It is quite strong in this brew!
Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing!
glad you liked it! :D