Sweet baby Jesus on a pogostick! I can’t even begin to describe the waking nightmare I had yesterday when I gave my notice to my soon-to-be ex-boss (and it’s continued into today via emails). I’ll leave it at that.
I’m not a chocolate fan, but after the horrendous 48 hours I needed something that felt like a treat (and that wasn’t alcoholic). And here’s my nummy Chocolate Mint tea to the rescue! The mint seems to be almost biting in its aroma today – it could be because my kettle went up to boiling (I’d meant for it to stay just under). And the bonus stress that’s been heaped onto everything else is probably warping my tea experiences again. But lordy, is this hitting the spot. NE
Again, sorry that I’ve been so sporradic in regarding to posting and reading/commenting. Let me assure you that I plan on getting back into the swing of things again — I just need to survive the next several weeks (at least that’s what I’m telling myself). I’ve truly enjoyed escaping into all your notes when I’ve had the time — it’s been a great way to decompress, so thank you all :)
Aww, sorry to hear that. I gave notice 2 weeks ago and was so scared they were going to be really angry. Instead, my manager said “I’m surprised you stuck it out as long as you did”. Keep your head up. The last 2 weeks are hard but you can take refuge in the fact that you are moving on to something better.
Like the note, dislike the reason you’re having to flee to chocolate tea to survive. :( I hope you’re able to get through your remaining time without too much more difficulty!
And sorry about my butchering of the English language!
hugs – sound awful…thank goodness you won’t have to deal with them much longer.
Aww, sorry to hear that. I gave notice 2 weeks ago and was so scared they were going to be really angry. Instead, my manager said “I’m surprised you stuck it out as long as you did”. Keep your head up. The last 2 weeks are hard but you can take refuge in the fact that you are moving on to something better.
Like the note, dislike the reason you’re having to flee to chocolate tea to survive. :( I hope you’re able to get through your remaining time without too much more difficulty!
Awwww. Sorry to hear. Drink more tea. Take more deep breaths. Don’t look at your email. ;-)
Hang in there Rabs!!!
Just think that your new job will be great! :)
Thank y’all so very very much! ::hugs::