I used up the last of my sample today but didn’t have quite enough left for a pot. So I mutated it a bit and added some Samovar Russian Blend to it. I had a fixed car to celebrate (see below for details on that) and wanted to break the possible “curse-o-Samovar.” Plus I’d forgotten to put Lapsang Souchong on my GTC order and the uber-fantastic Daniel Mann added some to my order after noticing my oversight. More celebration! This is actually one of the best “mutant teas” that I’ve done — but hey, two yummy teas comprise this cup. It’s about 1& a half tsp LS and 1 tsp RC. TG
The car is fixed — I get to pick it up at 1:00! It had a bad computer and I’m still under warranty ::happy dance:: And since my insurance covers towing the grand total of this stress is $65. The $65 comes from the first shop it was towed to for them to say “we don’t know what’s wrong with it” which is exactly what happened the last time they looked at my previous car. Only back then they’d caused massive damage to my break system that could’ve killed me. So why did my car even end up there? My dad: gods bless him. He believes they’re great because they’re “Christian.” But I can’t get too upset since my Dad’s the one who took care of everything when my car wouldn’t start and he also let me drive his car to work for most of this week. When I found out that he’d towed the car to that shop and not Toyota I let him know I wasn’t too happy about it. I shall try and figure out a way to let him know tactfully that I never ever want any of my cars going back to that place. I’ll also be adding rental car coverage to my insurance policy asap.
Thank you to everyone who said a little prayer or sent me good vibes since Monday. Y’all are awesome! :D
Phew – I’m glad that’s over with!!
Yes – massive damage that could have killed you should override religious affiliation in my book :) It’s hard to communicate to a parent “I know you love me and you helped so much but this might not be the best idea!!” Good luck!!!
Thank you :) Toyota even covered the towing! And my dad brought up his error on taking the car to the first place and apologized, so we had a good dialogue about that — double win :D
Phew – I’m glad that’s over with!!
Yes – massive damage that could have killed you should override religious affiliation in my book :) It’s hard to communicate to a parent “I know you love me and you helped so much but this might not be the best idea!!” Good luck!!!
Thanks! I think that I shall wait for sometime after Father’s Day to have that chat. ;)
Oh, glad the cars better.
Thank you :) Toyota even covered the towing! And my dad brought up his error on taking the car to the first place and apologized, so we had a good dialogue about that — double win :D