I chose to finish off my sample of this tea this morning so that I could compare it with the Colonille I had last night. Oh yes, they are both yummy-nummy. I think that the Colonille has a simple elegance about it. This one is more in-your-face with lots of stuff going on, but it still works. I would think of this more as a desert tea than the Colonille.
Before I tossed the sample packet I noticed that there’s actually some green tea and almonds in the mix (there’s coconut too, but I think those are for the visual appeal). I can’t tell if the slight almond aspect is the power of suggestion or not, but I’m liking it. There is a creaminess here that wasn’t in the Colonille.
What it boils down to (tea-hee!) is that I will definitely be purchasing more of either one of these teas. JacquelineM is spot-on with her assertion that vanilla teas are so very wonderfully different and not boring at all. When I visit new virtual tea shops the first thing I check is their Lapsang Souchongs, Caravans, and oolongs. I think that I shall be adding Vanilla to that list. (bumping up the rating from 80) NE
Whoa, I’ve heard of vanilla bean tea, and french vanilla, but french vanilla bean? Yummy!:)
hehe bump up’s rock ;)
I haven’t tried too many vanilla teas to notice how different they are. I may have to start sampling them when I order from different companies as well, as I enjoy the vanilla teas I’ve tried. Love your comparision with the Colonille.