This was one of the teas I was MOST excited to try from DAVIDsTEA. Apparently, this is one of the most impressive milk oolongs out there today. I’m quite excited! It’s a gorgeous golden, faded yellow color. The scent is a bit more green, like vegetables, with a buttery finish.
Steep #1: First sip is FAR more like grass and vegetables than expected. As I keep sipping, the tea reveals that it’s a bit more astringent than expected. I’m not getting much milk or cream, only the faintest bit of butter and floral finish.
Steep #2: More yellow in color and definitely more buttery/milky. I am still tasting more of the “tea” component, than anything creamy. It is quite smooth, as well.
While this is a good cup of tea, it isn’t my favorite milk oolong I’ve tried. It’s still more vegetable than creamy, sweet milk.
Thank you very much, ladykittykat!