I came home today quite frustrated with the combination of one of my classes + bad drivers. I needed a good cup of tea to relax! Imagine my surprise when I saw that this tea (thanks to oOTeaOo!) had arrived! Dry, this really is a pretty tea: black, curled leaves and a dash of colorful sprinkles thrown in. Delightful! Brewed, this tea has a yummy black tea and sweet, creamy scent. Oh, boy! I’m so excited!
Sipping, this tea has a definite vanilla/caramel taste. It is a bit overshadowed by the black tea. Almost immediately, I get a very dry feeling in my mouth. I wish that the vanilla and caramel could be more present! The black tea could be pulled back a bit.. and this would really be a yummy cup. Is a shorter steep time the way to go? I’m afraid if I do that then I’ll loose the sweetness! Sigh.