I was really pleased to see that this was included in the twelve teas of Christmas sampler. I love everything related to sugar plums, so a tea is just perfect! The scent of the dry leaf doesn’t offer all that much – white tea, a hint of something fruity. After it’s steeped, it loses almost all of its fruity character and smells strongly of the white tea base.
Sipping…I taste a bit of fruit first .. not sure if I would call this plum? Next come some spices which I actually couldn’t identify at first. For some reason, I was thinking that this would be only sugared fruit, but there are some mysterious spices here. My tongue can’t tell what they are (cinnamon?), but they add a nice dimension to the fruit. I taste the buttery white tea last which brings a rather nice finish to the cup. Everything is wrapped in a lingering sweetness which contributes to the sugar part of the sugar plum. Overall, this is a creative cup of tea. The issue I have is that there is some unpleasant flavor that I taste with each sip. It’s a bit like a film that lingers in your mouth after chewing stale cinnamon gum for hours. I think I would like this tea more without that note because it really does spoil the cup, unfortunately.