I think that this is a good choice for this evening. One should always have something a little sparkly for New Year’s Eve. Even though it’s not actually fizzy, the concept is and that’s what counts! I had a nice evening out with my family. We visited some pretty Christmas lights and went out to dinner. The rest of my night, I think I’ll read a book and sip some tea!
The dry leaf of this tea smells a bit like spiced apple. Once water has been added, though, the honeybush kind of takes over and dominates everything. Sipping… it’s mostly honeybush with a little bit of spice. It’s not so much fizzy on the tongue as it is slightly tingly because of the spices. I do detect some fresh apple in the finish. The sweet honeybush returns to round out the sip.
I do like this tea and it’s different enough from other honeybush blends I’ve tried. I’m not dying to have this in my collection always, but it is such a lovely cup for this evening. Happy New Year!
Happy New year! (clinks Champagne Cider glasses!)
Thank you Cavocorax! Happy New Year! :) Hope you have a good one!