It’s a bit late for me to be drinking black tea, but I feel like I have to keep up with the Twelve Teas of Christmas. I’ve already been bad about logging a few of them already, so here we go! This tea smells a bit astringent to me and I steeped it for around 2 minutes, 30-45 seconds. I’m really not sure what to expect… eh..
Sipping… This is not as astringent as I thought it would be, but it tastes like a cheap black tea to me. It’s just really not giving me any sort of flavor besides tea.. and tea without any dimensions. This would be fine if it wasn’t supposed to be something unique, but this is 52Teas we’re talking about! Some of the best flavored blends come out of this company! I’m staring down at my cup shouting… “WHY!!!!! I’m not getting anything from you!” Well, that’s okay, I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s cup. Hopefully it will be better! Twelve Teas of Christmas: Day Seven