I am usually not someone who likes the scent of green tea. In my experience, oolong and black tea are much more appealing to my nose than greens. This tea is something special. It’s buttery, sweet, fruity and toasty. Mmm.. so many different notes and all before sipping!
First Infusion: First sips offer something light and milky. It’s not terribly buttery, but milky instead. The sip finishes with a deeper kind of green flavor. It’s very similar to spinach or Brussels sprouts. What I like about this first cup is that all of the flavors are rather tame. It is very much a smooth, creamy and calming cup. I can’t wait to see what the second cup offers!
Second Infusion: This cup has a lovely mouthfeel. It’s full and creamy. It’s very similar to the first infusion, but the flavors are not as strong. I really do detect something that tastes like soy milk… but it’s natural and unsweetened. Very nice. I could keep sipping on this tea all night!
Third Infusion: I detect more of a chlorophyll taste in this steep, but it’s still sweet and yummy. I love that it isn’t astringent at all… throughout all three infusions!
This tea is my favorite green tea I’ve ever had. It’s so delicious and pleasant on this cold night! We had our first snow today & have more planned for tomorrow! Even though I’m not a fan of the cold, this kind of weather means I’ll be drinking much more tea during the day and night.