The scent of this tea is incredible! It’s all about peaches… still fuzzy, very ripe, juicy (maybe sweetened) peaches! P-E-A-C-H-E-S. Really, I feel like I’m sitting in a nice bin of plump peachy fruit! There is a bit of green oolong in the background, but that doesn’t overshadow the fruit at all.
The taste is a tiny bit disappointing. It’s not that the peach isn’t there, it’s just that the scent had me expecting that I would be bombarded with it. The peach is more in the background and the oolong pulls to the front. The oolong is rich and full – tasty on its own. I find that most of the peach is at the end of the sip. The finish is juicy, sweet and tart just like the real fruit!
What I also enjoy about this tea is that it seems to be natural and clean. It doesn’t seem artificial in the slightest. Thank you Will Work For Tea for giving me the opportunity to enjoy this tea! I’ll have to place an order with Lupicia soon!