From the LiberTEAS sampler I bought a while back
Both dry and whilst brewing this smelled much like a breakfast tea – there was that almost-astringent note on top with that earthy black smell underneath – so I had high hopes for how it would taste once finished. I sweetened this one with a little sugar and honey (as is my custom for breakfast-y blends) so that may affect the flavour.
Post-sip it tasted just as expected – it’s a basic Irish breakfast sort of blend that hits all the right spots when I’m craving coffee. There’s a lingering woodsy note at the back, strong wake-me-up flavours in the front and it leaves you just a little dry, but not so much that it’s unpleasant.
I think in the future I would choose to mellow this one out a bit with milk, but otherwise it’s a solid, repeatable sort of breakfast-esque tea. Would recommend.