This autumn version is an entirely different experience than it’s spring counter-part (as advertised). It has the taste profile of a sheng that is transitioning into a more mature, aged tea. It has seemed to have lost its greener, more smoky with floral sweetness, as other teas I’ve tried in this area. It is definitely more wild and robust, with hints of dried mushrooms and seasoned pine kindling, freshly lit. There seems to be a prevalent tobacco-likeness, midway through the sip, which transitions into a mouth drying astringency.
I’m pretty certain this is a good one for someone that likes good shou puerh and has been discouraged by typical young sheng teas and their characteristics, as this is closer to aged puerh than a sheng that is normally reflected at this age. Overall, not bad at all.
Flavors: Astringent, Campfire, Drying, Mushrooms, Pine, Tobacco
need to try ;)
this is an awesome tea! i have a 400g cake on the way