1113 Tasting Notes
It’s not easy making a smoked cinnamon roll tea… but, I was surprised to figure out the steeping advice after just four different scoops/steeps. The first time I tried steeping this I left it in far too long and thought I made a horrible batch, but that is what I get for forgetting to use a timer. There was a nice sense of relief when I tried a second time though as I realized that I fouled up and not the tea.
Not going to lie… I was screwing around with silly ideas when I made this, but when it turned out to be something I wanted to keep drinking I ended up making a few to see how others will receive it. With this working, I look forward to other crazy ideas like cotton candy infused teas :)
An oolong blend with the name pear in it… I had to get this :)
While the tea doesn’t taste like what it sounds like, it is a nice bold comforting drink. By my evaluations, I would consider this an oolong chai. There is no pear notes, but I didn’t expect them when I saw the product steeping. In one scoop, there was a total of 14 cardamon pods; I’m not kidding. Cardamon and cloves give the spice to the tea, but I’m unable to pick up any vanilla or anything else because of how strong their presence is.
Recently bought a large quantity of high end black tea and I needed something to compare it to so I decided to pull out my Butiki collection :)
This tea is quite good. Very smooth. This tea provides that great feel of fresh bread hitting your stomach, but has the taste of a black tea infused with honey. Really enjoying this.
Although I have drank * a lot* of tea today… there is 32 ounces of this tea brewed for my enjoyment :p
Brewing up some beauties today as I figure out the temperature and steeping times.
So thankful that I’m pursuing this full on. Just… all the imagination!
French Toast Dianhong
Tangerine Jasmine Pearls
Whatever that tea with homemade rock candy in it is
Peach Blossom Tung Ding
I had to have something strong like a ripe pu’er after test tasting today… I brewed around 3 ounces of tea to get the temperature and timing down for Liquid Proust Teas. After all of that, I needed something bold so I pulled these guys out. I only steeped them seven times though.
The aroma isn’t very appealing but the flavor is constantly good. If it wasn’t for the amazing people on here sharing samples, I wouldn’t know the difference between great and good pu’er. Thankfully to have nuggets though :)
It was from someone… Unfortunately I have a box with over 150 samples that Steepster members have sent in swaps. While that is great because I’ll hit my 500 teas tried this year with everyone’s help, it’s really hard to keep tract of who sent what :/
I sent over a cups worth (that was the last of my sample). Boychik sent it to me – Boychik mentions buying it from the Yunnan Sourcing US site. I checked Yunnansourcing.com and a search for ‘nuggets’ brings up a similar tea but not one that says 2007. (The yunnansourcing.us says the 2007 is sold out.)
Drinking a sample of some anxi oolong tea from a newer supplier… well, let’s just say that I know that if this is indeed anxi oolong that it is not high quality nor is it mid quality. Somewhat disappointing, but this is only the third disappointment with searching for teas to use though which is great in comparison to how many have been very nice.
I keep meaning to pick this up in the morning and getting distracted so I can’t give a proper review yet. Hubby gives it two thumbs way up, says it is the perfect sitting on the back porch on a cool morning tea.