1113 Tasting Notes
Here’s to the 2015 I picked up: https://instagram.com/p/8GgHqdRYOv/
The first thing you will notice about this tea is how bright the tea needles are. Second, the aroma is a bit overwhelming. I love me some dianhong, but dang… I had to pull my nose back :p
This brews up one very strong cup and I’m unsure of how to make the strength kind of take step back. Some potent tea, but I rather like it because it made one mean brisket :)
In my honest opinion: This dianhong is an amazing value at $8 for 50g!
I have to admit right now that after drinking W2T’s Rapave, all other raw pu’erhs have new standards to meet.
This tea has one great mouth with a nice spunk to its taste. One can tell that it is a new cake, but that does not mean that it has astringency all throughout it; in fact, after steep 4 was smooth sailing for me. The liquid has medium thickness as I swish it around in my mouth. My favorite part of this tea is the lingering taste that has to go for at least four minutes… but I’m not sure its longevity because I have to keep drinking to remember its taste or my mouth will be mad at me.
Personally, I think the semi dry mouth that comes with the great feeling will dissipate over the years. I’d love to taste this one in a few years… which means I may end up picking up a cake if it combats with the Yunann Sourcing cake I just bought. Thankfully I have enough of each to have steeping battle between the two (aka, comparison)
While drinking this I was able to pick up some astringent notes that are typical when it comes to Japanese sencha and me, but this tea just continued to make me want more of the Sench of the Wind because that one has seemed to be the best of the four that YUNOMI puts in their sencha set. I highly recommend trying multiple senchas though because everyone has their own taste preference and this may just be the one you want :)
This is one very smooth ripe. It doesn’t pack the punch that I like in my pu’erhs, but I can settle for the fact that it is simply pure tea that coats your mouth with a solid taste of tea.
Again, this is smoooooooth
Drank some extremely cheap sheng the other day and thought about it for awhile. My first thoughts were about the smokiness in the tea and then I began thinking about how it would taste in the future. Anyways, it was the sheng in this set http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-different-Yunnan-Phoenix-Sheng-Pu-erh-Tea-Shu-Puer-Tea-Tuo-Cha-2-100g-P199-/171427613586?hash=item27e9e1cb92
For the price, if you enjoy smoky sheng, it’ll be a great tea in a few years. The issue is that it still needs to settle as it leaves a dryness in the back of your throat and the taste is a bit strong (not necessarily bitter, but just strong)
It was fun to play with :) http://postimg.org/image/5jza5rakz/
It’s 11pm and I realized I was drinking shou… no no no… switching to something floral to ease me for the night.
So here’s the story about this tea: Once upon a time Princess Jasmine and Mulan ended up having a tea party and Princess Jasmine brought silver tipped white tea to show off an elegant tea but Mulan had brought some rolled green jasmine tea. They discussed the order of drinking the two teas, does floral come after or before? The solution was to mix the two teas and then tell Mr. Richardson about the experience of a white tea over powering jasmine until the second steep when the jasmine shines, but Mr. Richardson was like “I’m going to spice this up a bit, I mean ‘floral’ this up a bit”. So he made some tea seasoning and made one odd tea.
Anyways, why did I steep this tea like this??? http://postimg.org/image/prk0qrcyf/full/
Talk about a rookie mistake :/
This is wonderful. As for the price… I’m not sure, pu’erh at $6 an ounce if affordable and in comparison to oolongs it is cheap; however, with my recent research it seems that ripe pu’erh bought correctly can be much cheaper if you purchase full cakes or find the right seller. BUT I don’t care, storage is an important factor and these seem to be wonderfully stored and once it breaks up after the 3rd infusion it gives a brisk cup with a leftover feel of molasses in your mouth. Kind of sticky, but it has that leftover very subtle sweetness that a ripe has and I really really enjoy it.
First tea of the evening. I find it odd to have a darker oolong with such a sharp fruit taste as lychee, it seems to be something to pair with a green oolong but whatever.
So I’m 95% sure this isn’t lychee because I’ve had lychee and numerous lychee teas. This taste like an apricot flavored dark oolong. What does all that mean? Shoot, I don’t know… but the dark taste rises my mood and warms my body, thus I am happy.
“Holy shit”
That’s what I’m saying after the 10th steep of this… I’m not saying that because it’s the best, because interestingly I have had better, but because this has to be the highest quality sheng I have ever seen. Of course the 2012 Wild Monk from Mandela is the best sheng I’ve had (that tea stole my heart), but as for quality… this one takes it. The picture on W2T’s website of the steeped leaf is exactly what this is. The leaf is 85% + in tact and it looks wonderful.
The taste is clean with a mild umph to each sip. I think the last 8 years slapped the bitterness right out of this tea as it is smooth. The odd part is that during the first 45 minutes of drinking this tea I was eating a chocolate pie with caramel all over it and this didn’t taste nasty… nor is it sweet, it just seems to be fantastic so it doesn’t matter what accompanies it.
I can safely say that Hekai and I are going to become great friends :)
So you know how we talk about tea drunk? Well, I was tea sloshed today after finishing my last reserved oolong tea from Shi’s family farm in from China that was only a week old when sent to me. Some strong stuff… but then I switched to this.
This tea in comparison to other phoenix oolongs is sweet and fruity. This is something I like since it is still summer, it goes real well with the weather right now. The brew of this is rather light and has a small amount of aroma that arises from the cup. However, the subtle taste of this tea becomes vibrant from the temperature of its liquid. This is a tea you would not want to drink warm or cold. Phoenix oolongs always make me smile as they warm my mood up :)
Did you do western or gong fu?
I gong fu’d this… maybe that’s why it was so strong?
Wait… I did whatever you call it in that IG post, is Kamjove’s known to be gravity steeping or gongfu?
What were your steeping times? Did you do more flash steeps or short steeps?
I did 45 seconds x 4 steeps
You should definitely try a lot shorter steeps if it’s too strong for you. Maybe like 10 seconds to start with.
It reminded me of brisket, too.
I will second short steps. If 10 seconds is still much decrease to 5 and try 190f temp.