Pretty excited that I got a Dianhong for Christmas in July :)
Not sure if I am suppose to disclose who got me this…
Anyways, this does not have the furryness to and it is more of a darker leaf which made me curious as to the taste. I’m not sure exactly how the process works with dianhong teas in generally, but this is missing out on the velvet taste that happens all around my mouth with other dianhong teas. This is more of a very smooth black tea. While it will be my breakfast tea for quite awhile as I really enjoy how well it goes down, as a dianhong tea I am missing out on the natural cocoa notes that go down with some sort of texture I can’t touch but I can taste… I’m sure this is fantastic for those who enjoy their straight blacks :)
p.s. no tea will have an easy shot to impress me after the Imperial Golden Bud from Whispering Pines :/
@boychik “was it Yunnan Dian Hong Golden tip or Yunnan Dian Hong black? on IG you mention that its golden tip”
It was a Dian Hong golden tip
I kinda wish I got that instead of the ounce of North Winds. It was a free sample, and I wanted more of it, but no, I had to savor it. I liked it more because it was stronger to me than the North Winds Gongfu style.
@boychik “was it Yunnan Dian Hong Golden tip or Yunnan Dian Hong black? on IG you mention that its golden tip”
It was a Dian Hong golden tip
I kinda wish I got that instead of the ounce of North Winds. It was a free sample, and I wanted more of it, but no, I had to savor it. I liked it more because it was stronger to me than the North Winds Gongfu style.
Or well, more flavorful.
Merry Christmas :)