299 Tasting Notes
I finally went to the DT in my town & as soon as I stepped in, the woman at the counter was all, “I have a sample for you!” and it was this. I was sold. Like, immediately. This’ll be my go-to decaf for a while. It makes me wish I had more Blueberry Jam! I miss that tea.
OK, I enjoy matcha – but I can’t really rate it. I also can’t really taste it?? They all taste like yummy hot milk drink to me, for real. ARE MY TASTEBUDS DEAD OR WHAT AM I DOING WRONGGGG
I think you’re supposed to use small cups – like 250 ml per scoop of matcha? I’ve started dumping more scoops into mine when I pour big cups of milk. I find it sorta subtle too…
The pumpkin and the belgian chocolate I can taste fine, but the irish cream and the cheesecake? Not so much.
Is that 250 ml of miilk, or a cup as in 10 oz?
I think my matcha scoop is probably 1 tsp? I should measure it sometime, but I use 1.5 scoops so that’s probably close to you.
This was good & interesting! Not something I’d be likely to buy since I’m not that into chamomile… but man, it’s good with mint. I didn’t get the chocolate but it sure smelled good. Thx cavocorax! I’m glad I got to try it, because the sound of it was just TOO INTRIGUING.
This is SO INTERESTING! Very cool to have a “wake-up” mint tea. 85 degrees is a pain in the ass, but ultimately worth it.
Yeah, one day I’ll get a variable temp kettle and then I’ll drink more green tea because I won’t have to wait on the kettle as much. Even a $50 one would work as the temp would be close enough!
Would you recommend my picking up 50g of this? I have an empty red tin I’d like to put rooibos in!
How about I post you the sample today?? I’ll just mail that one & 1 other ahead in an envelope like you did. (But yes: it’s great!)
That sounds good, if you feel like going out. Otherwise I’ll buy some on Friday. I have a budget that I am going to blow on the new teas! There’s going to be a gingerbread rooibos as well, so I guess I have to decide between Currant Affair and Gingerbread!
I didn’t end up hitting the post office cuz my parcel is STILL NOT IN :( :/ :/