2291 Tasting Notes

A lovely sample from Kittenna!

I totally spaced and missed that this is an oolong. Whoops!

190F for 2 minutes.

Dry, the tea smells SO freaking amazing. Like buttery thumbprint cookies filled with raspberry jam and rolled in crushed cashews. Yum!

Steeped, it smells super amazing still. The flavour is distinctly nutty, and there’s less raspberry and more baked-goods.

The second steep is even sweeter, but there’s still more of a nutty flavour and scent than raspberry.

This is really nice, but I kind of wish the raspberry was more present. And that it was a black tea. :) Just personal preference though, as this is lovely.

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I double steeped this into a travel mug today, and drank it on my way home from work.

Unfortunately, it does not stand well on its own. Much much much better with milk added. The puerh and the berry are just so distinctly separate, it’s like you’re actually drinking two teas. I’m not a fan. So I think this tea needs to leave my cupboard.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

not one, but TWO! ah ah ah ah ah


Sadly it’s not as beneficial as it sounds…

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Made this morning, but unfortunately really not good with eggnog. Well. Almond nog.


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Oh wow, VariaTEA (and Roswell Strange)! Thanks so much for this sample.

It is GOOD. I really like it. I was concerned it would be too “pear” for me, but it’s not. And although I can taste licorice, it’s not too licoricey (and there’s no licorice root so it’s fine for me…). In fact, I’d say this tea is really fresh rather than sweet and cloying. This will definitely get resteeped.

I wasn’t sure about getting some, but I think I have to add it to my “maybe but probably not” potential order. (As in, I might order but probably won’t because I’m trying to stick to a budget.)

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This is AMAZING and EXCELLENT hot, but I don’t like it as much when it gets cold (I got distracted with dishes. It happens.). So I’m not sure I’d get it. But it’s so good when it’s hot!


Roswell Strange was kind enough to send a sample and it was too licorice-y for me so I thought it might be something you’d enjoy. I am glad you did.

Roswell Strange

Glad you liked it! :)


:D Thanks, you two! The tea has travelled all over.

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drank Monster Brew by Adagio Teas
2291 tasting notes

I got this sample from Sil. Thank you! :)

Unfortunately I mostly taste sour honeybush. I’m not sure why, but some honeybush just tastes sour and dirty to me as the mug cools. So I’ve had half the cup, and it was OK. No really identifiable flavours, but soothing and generic. The second half of the cup definitely needs to go… :/


haha at least you can cross it off the list


If honeybush didn’t taste that way it’d totally be my BFF over rooibos.

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MissB passed this on to me ages ago, and as I was digging through my sample bin (seriously half my teas are in there right now), I saw it and decided to go for it.

It’s actually quite lovely. Not quite a “regular” green tea, it’s still grassy and a little spinachy. But it has a really… ergh, darjeeling-y feel to it and is somewhat astringent at the end of the sip. Quite fruity too, for all that it’s getting old.

I definitely prefer darjeelings when treated as a green for steeping, so a darjeeling that is actually a green is really neat to try!

Thank you for sharing. :)

(1.5 tsp, 9-ish oz)

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

you and terri should have a sipoff!


But I’m still drinking coffee most mornings so she’d automatically win. :)


she teaches and stuff!


Haha. She does, but she still drinks more tea than I do!

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Oh, the chocolate flavouring makes me sad. It really isn’t a favourite. :( That being said, with the application of milky stuff (aka almond noel nog), this is pretty good. I’m missing some of the hazelnut because of the chocolate.

It would be better as a blueberry-hazelnut tea, I think.

Thank you for sharing, Shmiracles!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I found this by searching “damn fine tiger”. Yeah, maybe a nap is in order today.

Delicious, as usual.

With some almond nog because it’s amazing.

I think I’m going to go cuddle the cat.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

sounds like a nice time :)


Generally tea, naps, and cat cuddles are good. :)

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Having this again tonight, and I have 1 tbsp for more in the future! I think I’ll need to buy some of this tea, though. It is SO amazingly good.

Very rich, very thick feeling. I don’t really know how to describe it tonight.


1st steep: 2 minutes, after a 5 second rinse.
2nd steep: IDK yet. :D 3 minutes
3rd steep: 3 minutes
4th steep: 5 minutes as a yoga break. :)
5th steep: 7-8 minutes I think, and that will be after yoga.


195 °F / 90 °C 3 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

It’s been months since I had my single cup of this, but it still stands out in my mind. Definitely on my list of teas to order again in the future.


I tried to order more tonight on a whim, but their site is down for maintenance. Sadness.

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drank Assam Calcutta Auction by Lupicia
2291 tasting notes

I was digging through my samples and remembered I hadn’t really cared for this tea that much. So I made it an eggnog carrier.

Yep, that was good. I’m going to be so sad when eggnogs aren’t available anymore and I have to go back to plain boring milky stuff for my tea!

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I mostly drink black tea.

Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been to some of them, but not a lot. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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