Yep, still my most favourite chai ever. OM NOM NOM.
Today I’m actually having it with sugar. I picked up some organic less processed weird textured cane sugar to have with my teas, because it’s not quite brown but then it’s not white sugar either. I know, sugar’s sugar. But it makes me happy to try different things. :)
Anyways, the tea. So much spices. So delicious. Today I have a bit more clove than usual, and with the sugar and cream it’s such a comforting drink. Reminds me of the chai they served at my favourite, now defunct, Indian restaurant.
This one has a really neat flavour, I think. Definitely not molassas-y, but totally not white. Almost mineral. Whee, sugar!
If you haven’t and you have the opportunity, buy a stalk of sugar cane and try it straight from the source….mmmmmm. Obviously that won’t work for tea but it’s just so tasty straight out of the stalk.
Cane sugar has a whole different aspect to it. Yummy!
This one has a really neat flavour, I think. Definitely not molassas-y, but totally not white. Almost mineral. Whee, sugar!
If you haven’t and you have the opportunity, buy a stalk of sugar cane and try it straight from the source….mmmmmm. Obviously that won’t work for tea but it’s just so tasty straight out of the stalk.
Oh, a friend and I found some for $1 and bought one! So good.