I have Dexter3657 to… thank for this. ;)
I decided to brew it up now because 1) I’m feeling awful and will be sticking with non-caffeinated teas tonight and 2) I am starting a soup with bacon (it will have loads of veg and homemade chicken stock). Bacon goes with bacon, right?
Umm, wrong. Oh, the smell of the tea is not making me happy. It’s making me extremely apprehensive. The smell of the bacon on the stove, however, is making me look forward to my soup.
So I tried the tea hot, and I tried the tea cooled somewhat. It smelled bacon-ish, but tasted like woody dirty sour socks.
It might just be me today – I have another cup worth that I’m debating on trying in the future, or maybe giving away to someone.
(1.5 tsp/12 oz)
LOL I seem to remember you asking if it was good – I don’t think I promised good, I think I promised unusual. I actually think this is better cooler water shorter steeps. 90C 3 min – something like that – a hint of salt will bring out the bacon or a hint of sweet will bring out the pineapple – or pass it on…. :))
LOL I seem to remember you asking if it was good – I don’t think I promised good, I think I promised unusual. I actually think this is better cooler water shorter steeps. 90C 3 min – something like that – a hint of salt will bring out the bacon or a hint of sweet will bring out the pineapple – or pass it on…. :))
You only promised unusual. :D I’ll try that steep, on a night I’m not cooking real bacon!
The bacon flavoring smell is definitely offputting.