Following 427 Tea Drinkers
Formally known as mrawlins2 I am a former coffee drinker turned tea lover. Bl...
In hopes of standardizing my ratings a bit more I’ve devised my own scale: 1 ...
Hi, I’m Madam Potts. I’m custom tea blender who finds expression and inspira...
New to the world of hot tea, being born and raised in Texas we typically only...
Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising My ratings are purely subjective and eac...
I’d like to think I’m an artsy graphic design student. I’m obsessed with tea....
Rating Scale: 90-100 – Love it. Must order this one again. 75-90 – Pretty goo...
um, I like tea. Other various interests include books; video games; photograp...
I’ve been drinking tea for 30 years, but only bought 2 brands of 2 different ...
Grandma introduced me to tea as a kid (lipton with milk and sugar; a bit pour...