Following 240 Tea Drinkers

BlueKittyMeow 90 followers

I’m a writer and as such, am obviously an emotional rollercoaster. I used to ...

Ag 111 followers

I have far too many interests. Tea is one of them. Background in bioethics, m...

Cody 57 followers

I’m fanatic about all things tea-related. Lately, I’ve been fascinated with W...

Terri HarpLady 465 followers

I’m so excited to have found this community! I’m a self-employed Harpist (aco...

Nik 139 followers

2012.10.07: I hear people like to understand other people’s ratings, so here’...

Raven 46 followers

Matt 87 followers

Well, to start, my name is Matt. I got into loose leaf tea my sophomore year ...

tperez 237 followers

Tea addict since around 2011. My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roas...

Cedes 75 followers

Gosh I’m so horrible at these things. So my name is Cedes. I just recently st...



I love tea and have since I was a little girl. Once I could buy my own tea, I began to explore and learn about the extensive and delicious world of tea!

Also, love my French Bulldog (named Sencha…) and my tea oblivious boyfriend. I enjoy ice skating (I am a part time coach), reading, writing, baking, running, and lots of sweets!

My favorite teas tend to be on the sweeter side. Both flavored and plain teas are great to me. Currently going through a flavored tea phase. Enjoying it greatly! : )


Quito, Ecuador

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