Well dadgummit! OF COURSE I like $150 a cake tea. There is astringency and a not unpleasant bitterness in the first few steeps, but it mellows into sweetness. There is very little smoke and around steeps 5-6 it becomes very charming. Still a little astringency, but a sweet smoothness as well.
I have a little catch at the back of my throat and a very, very nice chi buzz. A fabulous all over body hum that is making me very, very happy. Happy to the point I may have to figure out how to afford this. Maybe split a cake Sarsy? I’m Smokey Robinson happy: y’all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI_0tQdEA5k
Holy moley, I may just go lay down and enjoy this. Happy Sheng. Of Happiness!
Sounds right up my alley :)