Black/red Chinese teas, pu-erh and oolong hold the keys to my heart.
I don’t care much for flavored teas, especially the fruity varieties. My exceptions are chai and Earl Grey, and apparently now vanilla. Not much love for lapsang souchong either.
I sit squarely on fence with green and white teas.
If I end up in hell, my punishment will be to drink rooibos.
And what, my dearest, did you get from TeaVivre?
(i might have placed a middle of the night Teavivre sale order myself..oops…)
And yo, little VD pot!!! Do you have yours yet sarsy? Any of your 100 clay gaiwan dedicated for it?
I am using one of my banko houhins as my vanilla teapot. I’ll snap a pic for you. :)
Oh, yes please!
TTF you might be in so much trouble.
MzPriss I love that you have a Vanilla Dreams yixing. YUMMY!
Lol, cheri, I’ve been in trouble pretty much all my life, so bring it :-)
I got some Bailin Gongfu (a LOT) because I <3 it and the yixing that is on sale and something else, then I went back to sleep