Have been drinking this one at work so that I can use up the last of my teabags in the sample box. I’ve learned that this tea needs to be steeped to a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds, as anything longer and it will start to go bitter very quickly. So I’ve been steeping it for abour 30 seconds each time, and I think I would be willing to improve by rating of this tea by a little bit. It is still not something I would consider “good”. But my method made it more drinkable. The tea is no longer bitter, and the flavour is in the best balance that I could get it to be without making the tea astringent by steeping it too long.
The aroma is fairly mild but nice, slightly lemony. The flavour of the tea is very basic, almost bland. Black tea is predominant, with a weak mix of other flavours that aren’t even strong enough for me to identify, save maybe for the lemon. Overall, a very basic and bland tea that I will not be buying again.