Tale of the dream matcha.
I like this. I like this alot.
Please note that white tea AND white chocolate are two of my favorite things so I might be biased.
Actually, if you relatively friend me through various websites by now you have noticed how clear it is that I love
and am addicted to those two things.
As I was browsing through Red Leaf’s website (with a digital free matcha coupon in equally digital hands) I had the spiffy idea to acquire
the dream matcha. Something that just really (albeit narcissically) tells about me. Additionally, I also wanted something that tastes incredibly
right. Red Leaf seems to do that proficiently. I have not to date tasted any of their matchas that I did not like.
They are a growing brand that happens to be able to produce a white matcha.
Aptly. I did not feel a huge difference between the original and the white matcha, but the color. Be prepared to drink something that
is ash grey. I am totally okay with that.
The taste is something more thirst-quenching and creamy, as white tea usually is. With a touch of malt.
It is also quite sweet but least not forget I chose the white chocolate flavoring. The rendering of the white chocolate is pretty true.
It tastes like the Lindt white chocolate bar with the mousse center. I know, I cannot make a review without the use of some sort of analogy
or reference to some product. Bad, bad me. But I am just trying to efficiently get you to understand how perfect and awesome this is.
This needs to be turned into a fluffy, frothy and light milk/soy shake, asap.
and and and… You should get it.
White chocolate:
Naked white matcha:
an’t wait to receive mine!!!!
hmm… It is supposed to say “I can’t wait to receive mine!” Ooops… :)